
Since 2004, 5 workshops were held in our department.


7- 9 Haziran 2017

"FROM NETWORKS TO TARGETS" - Workshop on OMIC technologies and their applications


20-24 Ekim 2008
"Introduction to Proteomics II"
(TUBITAK MAM GMBE, Marmara University, Department of Bioengineering and Istanbul University, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics)
Invited scientist: Dr. Alastair Aitken

24-27 Nisan 2007
"Introduction to Proteomics: 2D Electrophoresis and Mass Spectrometer Applications" (Photos)
Invited scientist: Dr. Wittman Liebold

30 Eylül 2005
"Gıda Mikrobiyolojisinde Bakteri Teşhisi"

16-18 Ağustos 2004
"Proteomics And Spectrometry" (Photos)
Invited scientist: Dr. Alastair Aitken

This page updated by Bioengineering on 25.04.2022 15:29:31
